Like you, I play many roles in everyday life. I’m a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a neighbour, a business-woman, a volunteer, a student, a teacher, a spiritual seeker. I have reached the point in my life where I try to focus more on who I am, as a human BEING, with a softer focus on what I am doing!

I am passionate about all areas of personal growth, development and transformation. I am committed to working and living in a way that serves to contribute to the elevation of our collective consciousness. I believe we are all doing the best we can to navigate our life’s journey, as we juggle the many aspects of our daily challenges of home, work, health and wellbeing.


It has taken me a lifetime to become a Transformational Coach. All of my personal and professional life experiences have led me here and influence the work I do today.

Early in my career, I was excited by the corporate world and all that it had to offer. Working in this environment for almost 20 years gave me an in-depth understanding of the business world and the challenges of balancing personal and professional goals. While there were many positives, my heart lay elsewhere.

I have spent decades exploring my path of personal and spiritual development. I have immersed myself in studying and learning all aspects of personal growth and transformation from the worlds of science, psychology, spirituality. The journey continues, it evolves, it deepens, it expands.

A number of years ago, I experienced the power of Coaching. Coaching helped me gain a deeper understanding of who I am and has been a powerful force in my transformational journey. I allowed myself to be guided by my heart and began training as a Professional Coach and continued my training to become a Deep Transformational Coach.

My intention is to show up in every conversation with love, kindness, compassion and integrity.

My mission is to meet you wherever you are on your life’s journey, to hold space for transformational conversations that empower you to evolve into your fullest, happiest and most authentic Self.

As a Transformational Coach, I am honoured to partner with people who are ready to take their journey of self-discovery, so they can experience life in a more purposeful, authentic and meaningful way.

Different stages in life bring different challenges. As we travel along our path, we are called to many great adventures, at home, in work and in relationship with other. These ‘calls to adventure’, while not always easy, give us opportunities for change, growth and sometimes transformation.
As your Coach, I hold space in our coaching conversations to allow you to discover what is ‘ready to be discovered’ and what wants to emerge at this point in your life.

I encourage you to listen to what is calling for your attention and help you gain clarity around the way forward, from your inner wisdom and knowing.
I partner with you to unleash the potential within, as together we challenge values; beliefs; habits; and ways of being that hold you back from aligning with the essence of who you truly are.

I am not here to instruct or advise you. You are the expert in your own life, and you hold all the answers. I am simply here to serve as a partner and a witness to the change and transformation that is ready to happen.

I also work with organisations that are committed to supporting their people in becoming the best version of themselves possible. They value the importance of personal growth and transformation, not just for the workplace in terms of productivity and success but also for the individual in terms of health and wellbeing.

  • Loving life with my husband, two teenage sons and our super dog, Buddy, in Co Kildare, Ireland!
  • What nurtures me? Family and friends, conversations, trees, the sea, sunsets in West Clare, books, walking in nature, knitting.
  • Happiest curled up with a book. The ones I return to again and again are Benedictus (John O’Donohue); A Shift in Being (Leon Vanderpol); The Gifts of Imperfection (Brené Brown); Man’s Search for Meaning (Dr Viktor Frankl); Into the Magic Shop (Dr James Doty).
  • A Quote that stays with me: “Who looks outside dreams; Who looks Inside Awakens” (Carl Jung).
  • I believe in the power of rituals. My morning cup of tea, sitting in silence and meditation, sets me up for the day.
  • My motto for life: “Be Kind, to everyone and everything, especially YourSelf”.
  • Certified Deep Transformational Coach
  • Certified Personal and Business Coach
  • Certificate in Career Coaching
  • C-IQ Conversational Intelligence – Enhanced Practitioner
  • WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Planning) Certified Facilitator
  • Training Delivery & Evaluation (Train the Trainer)
  • Higher Diploma in Business & Marketing
  • View my LinkedIn Profile

My business is registered in Ireland (Business Reg No. 545041), fully tax compliant and covered by professional indemnity insurance.