In addition to coaching, I also offer training and learning opportunities to organisations and teams.

Personal Development is a lifelong process.  While we tend to pay attention to our professional development i.e. keeping our knowledge and skills up-to-date and relevant, we sometimes neglect our personal development.

By developing our competency around personal leadership; communication and interpersonal skills; resilience and wellbeing – we can continue to grow and expand into our fullest potential, living and working from a place of meaning, purpose and fulfilment.

Leadership is a choice, not a position

– Steven R. Covey


I create a variety of workshops for groups and teams.  These are designed to be thought-provoking, interactive and impactful.  They can be tailored to meet your specific requirements. Some workshops to consider for your team:

Developing a Coaching Mindset
Empower Individuals

For managers, supervisors and newly appointed leaders.  What is a coaching mindset and how can it help you to maximise the potential of your team?  This workshop explores how a coaching approach can enhance relationships and empower individuals to expand into a better version of themselves.

Transformational Conversations
Everything happens through conversation

We all believe we know how to have a good conversation.  Unfortunately, most conversations don’t quite hit the mark.  What about the conversations we avoid and don’t show up for?

Success and happiness depend on the quality of the relationships we have – in our families, our teams, our communities.  The quality of the relationships depends on the quality of the conversations.  Everything happens through conversation.

In this workshop, discover the neuroscience behind conversations and how changing our conversation has the potential to build trust, improve our performance and transform our relationships!

The Hero’s Journey for Leaders
Call to Adventure

Drawing on the ground-breaking work of mythologist Dr Joseph Campbell and his Hero’s Journey’ (based on the book ‘The Hero With A Thousand Faces’), this workshop offers an alternative perspective on managing and navigating change. We can resist the challenges that life offers us, or we can ‘answer the Call to Adventure’ and see times of changes and transition as opportunities for growth and personal transformation.

For further information on any of the above, please Contact Me for an exploratory conversation.