What is your coaching style and approach?

My approach to life and work is guided by my core values of kindness, compassion, integrity, connection and heartfulness. I create a safe and nurturing space for you to explore your current situation and aspirations, who you are and what matters most to you right now, so you can experience life to its fullest, with meaning and purpose.

How will we work together?

No matter what is going on in your life, I see you as naturally creative, resourceful and whole. You are the expert in your life, and I trust in your ability to find the best answers and the way forward for you. My role is to partner with you in the coaching process, to be a companion on your journey of self-exploration. I am committed to bringing curiosity, enthusiasm, and compassionate challenge when necessary, to our coaching partnership.

To ensure I am a good match for you, we will meet first by phone or Zoom. This (free and no obligation) discovery conversation is an opportunity to say hello, ask questions and see if Transformational Coaching and my approach are right for you. If not, no worries! If things sound good to you, we can take it from there and agree a coaching program that meets your individual needs.

How many coaching sessions do I need?

Coaching is not a prescriptive process. It is a very individual approach, and the coaching engagement depends on a number of factors such as the topics/issues being brought to the relationship; the time and commitment you are able and willing to invest in yourself; external factors such as other commitments to work/home; financial considerations etc. We will co-create a program that will work for you and this can always be reviewed, amended or ended at any time you wish. You are in control.

If you’ve never experienced coaching before, it can be daunting not knowing what lies ahead or what commitment you are making to yourself. Occasionally people can have life-changing experiences that happen in an instant but for the most part, change takes time, effort, readiness and a willingness to be an active participant in creating the life we truly want to have and to become the person we are choosing to ‘be’. Your journey of change and transformation should be seen as a marathon, not a sprint!

How much do I need to invest?

The investment in yourself involves a number of factors. Getting to know yourself at a deeper level and creating the life and relationships you want, requires an investment of time, along with a willingness and commitment to be an active participant in the process. There is also the financial costs of coaching, which can vary significantly across industries and amongst coaches.

Rather than attempting to align with what others are offering, I have set coaching fees that feel right to me.  You can view my Pricing Policy here. If they feel right for you, great. If not, that is ok and thank you for stopping by!

I believe that coaching is a very powerful process and can potentially be life-changing for people. It can be difficult to put a price on that. But I also strongly believe that coaching should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their role in the life, their job title or their financial status.

With this in mind, I allocate a number of ‘reduced-fee’ coaching sessions each week to coach people who are unemployed, on low incomes or not in a financial position to access coaching. Please feel free to contact me to discuss this option, if this applies to your current circumstances.

Is Transformational Coaching different to other types of coaching?

Coaching is an approach to human development which has enormous potential, wherever you are on your life’s journey. As we grow in awareness and consciousness, we are called to live more purposefully, to set goals and aspirations, to realize our potential and to take responsibility for creating meaningful and fulfilling lives.

Most coaching approaches support people to move beyond current limitations and ‘stuckness’ to move into a space of clarity and expanded possibilities. The focus of coaching is often solution focused; goal-oriented and explores the realm of ‘doing’ something different, changing behavioural patterns with respect to the goal to be achieved. This type of coaching can sometimes be called ‘transactional or developmental coaching’. This type of coaching is hugely valuable and beneficial for people who want to make positive changes in their life and work.

Transformational coaching is an approach that is more about ‘Being’ than ‘doing’. Deep Transformational coaching supports people to dive below the surface and explore the inner world of ‘who I am’ and ‘who I choose to be’. The intent of Transformational Coaching is to get to the essence, to the heart of the matter, to explore new ways of being and discover what it takes to embody them.

Who can benefit from Coaching?

From its origins in the world of sport and later in the corporate environment, coaching is now expanding its impact into everyday life. It is encouraging to see how coaching is now recognised as a powerful agent for change amongst leaders; professionals; parents; retirees, students, prisoners, carers and many others. There are a huge variety of coaching approaches that focuses on different areas of body, mind and spirit.

It is my belief that everyone can benefit from coaching at some point in their life. Life is an exciting journey, full of twists and turns. Sometimes they are easy to navigate. At other times, it can help to have someone walk the road with us. Having said that, no-one needs a coach. But when it comes to navigating change, a saying that has always stayed with me is ‘YOU alone have to do it, but you don’t have to do it alone’!

Coaching is for anyone who wants to move forward, get unstuck from old patterns of thinking/behaving and be the creator of their own life experience. Sometimes this means shifting into new ways of thinking and behaving in our external world. Those who are ready and willing to make these changes, during times of change and transition, will benefit from coaching.

At other times, a deeper dive inward is required and a ‘shift in being’ is the call to adventure. The ‘Way of Transformation’ is not always easy. It can be full of unknowns and territory we haven’t explored before. It can take us into the light and shadows of ourselves. This journey of transformation demands self-honesty, vulnerability and the courage to ‘be’ who we choose to be.

(note: Coaching is a highly effective agent for lasting change and transformative growth. It is not the only approach and sometimes other supports are more appropriate for an individual. See below for the distinction between coaching and therapy).

How does Coaching differ from Counselling and Therapy?

While coaching can facilitate change and transformation that can be therapeutic for an individual, Coaching is not therapy or counselling. Coaching is a process that is appropriate when major emotional and psychological wounds are already healed. Coaching is not appropriate or beneficial if you are psychologically stressed, mentally or emotionally challenged in a way that interferes with your everyday ability to function in the world. In this situation, counselling/therapy or other psychological interventions would be more appropriate.

In coaching, the focus is on the present, the here and now in terms of where you are in your life and your current challenges. Coaching helps you move forward by looking to the future, creating and realising a vision for the life you want to experience. While events/experiences from the past can arise in our coaching conversations, these will be explored in the context of how they impact the present and potentially the future. If any concerns arise during our coaching relationship with regard to the suitability of coaching at that time, we will discuss this openly and agree the best way forward.
