How many coaching sessions do I need?

Coaching is not a prescriptive process. It is a very individual approach, and the coaching engagement depends on a number of factors such as the topics/issues being brought to the relationship; the time and commitment you are able and willing to invest in yourself; external factors such as other commitments to work/home; financial considerations etc. We will co-create a program that will work for you and this can always be reviewed, amended or ended at any time you wish. You are in control.

If you’ve never experienced coaching before, it can be daunting not knowing what lies ahead or what commitment you are making to yourself. Occasionally people can have life-changing experiences that happen in an instant but for the most part, change takes time, effort, readiness and a willingness to be an active participant in creating the life we truly want to have and to become the person we are choosing to ‘be’. Your journey of change and transformation should be seen as a marathon, not a sprint!