And the day came when the risk of remaining the same was greater than the risk to change.

We are all at different stages on our life’s journey. Each experience we have helps us to grow, to change and sometimes to transform.

We can be passive participants in our lives, or we can become conscious choosers! While we can’t always be in control of the circumstances of our life, we can decide how we want to navigate all that life throws at us. We can choose the paths we want to take and create the life experiences that we want, at home and in work.

Coaching can help us to navigate our life’s journey, whatever stage we are at.

Meeting you, where you are

You may be dealing with change or transition in some parts of your life. These can be exciting, challenging, frightening, exhausting…or a combination of all these emotions. Or you might be at a stage in your life when there’s something else stirring:

In out-of-the-way places of the heart,
Where your thoughts never think to wander.
This beginning has been quietly forming.
Waiting until you were ready to emerge

A New Beginning – John O’Donohue

During times of change and transition, the coaching approach used can be described as transactional or developmental. The focus is around learning how to adapt to external circumstances by exploring new ways to perceive, think and behave in relation to a situation or issue. Goals and desired outcomes are clarified and agreed. We explore obstacles that might hinder you whilst also looking at the opportunities and resources to support you on your journey of change.

Coaching helps you to move forward with greater clarity, self-awareness and confidence as your goals and aspirations are more fully aligned with your personal values.

We experience change in two ways. Change happens and we have to respond and manage it the best way we can. Or we can become an active participant in our lives and become a change agent, bringing about positive changes that help us to grow and develop on our life path.

Who looks outside, dreams
Who looks inside, awakens

Carl Jung

The words ‘Change’ and ‘Transformation’ are often be used interchangeably. But they are different.

Although we are forever changing, we certainly don’t transform all the time.

Transformational Coaching is focused on enabling self-actualisation and it requires a deeper dive into who we are ‘being’ rather than what we are ‘doing’ in our life.

Transformational Coaching supports people to dive a little deeper in order to take a journey of self-exploration, that illuminates one’s inner operating system. There may be questions arising such as ‘Who Am I?’, ‘Who Do I Choose To Be?’ or ‘What is my Purpose’?

In Transformational Coaching, the client expresses a willingness to look within, to connect with the source of their inner wisdom to explore both the shadows and light of their self-concept, in order to discover higher levels of ‘being’ and what it takes to embody them.


The Deep Transformational Coach holds space, with full presence, being comfortable with the unknown and allowing space for emotions to emerge and let them guide the way to a deeper knowing and sense of Self. What is no longer needed can be revealed and released to allow shifts into higher levels of ‘being’ and from there, inspired action towards greater clarity, intuition, wellbeing, personal power and purpose.

From this place, we embody who we choose to ‘be’, we can allow our ‘doing’ to emerge as we move forward with greater ease, joy and sense of wholeness about our life.

In the space of Transformational Coaching, the heart leads the process, to create a deeper understanding of our self-concept, which allows for an elevation of our consciousness.

Wherever you are on your journey, coaching can support you to move forward as you navigate change and/or transformation.

Individual coaching sessions take place in person (Kildare & Dublin) or online (Zoom/Skype). Each coaching conversation lasts between 60 and 70 minutes.

One-to-One Coaching is available for individuals who are seeking coaching privately or for individuals who are being supported in their workplace by their organisation.

Contact me today for an exploratory conversation